Become a Realtor Partner
Join the Fifth and Cherry Partner Program*: get paid for submitting quality referrals and gain a commission on the final sales price for their cabinetry project. It’s a great way to reconnect with and be a resource for your former clients as well as benefitting your current clients who are selling.
Today’s Market
More homeowners are choosing to invest in home renovations versus buying new.
Benefit to Your Sellers
Realtor Recommendations Before Selling
1 in 3 Realtors Recommend Kitchen Renovation or Upgrade
1 in 4 Realtors Recommend Bathroom Renovation
Be a Resource to Your Clients & Friends
92% of homes in U.S. were built before the year 2000
61% of people who have been in their home for 6+ years will choose to renovate over moving
Joy Score
(happiness homeowners reported with their renovations)
Kitchen Renovation or Upgrade:
9.8 out of 10
Here’s how it works:
Register as a Fifth & Cherry Designs Realtor Partner*
Get your unique affiliate link
Get paid for every consultation scheduled + commission on every deal
*We do not sell your information. We are thoughtful in our communications with you and will only send you important information pertaining to the realtor partner program.
Commission occurs at three levels
When a Client reaches out for more information
When a Client progresses to an onsite visit for design and measurements
Commission on final sales price (project must be fully paid for)
Program Resources Available
We provide resources to our realtor partners in the form of:
Direct Mailer
Open House Post Card Templates
*Fifth and Cherry Designs Partner Program is 100% RESPA Compliant